Thursday, May 13, 2010

What was good about your Day?

Do you ever wonder why you are so hard on yourself? Do you ever wonder why you look at the negative things in your life?
Well today I had to go have a bone density test. I thought while I am here in the big city of St. George I would try and find a cute shirt to match my scarves. Well I came out with nothing but a baseball cap that hopefully I can wear soon. I was somewhat discouraged, my mind went from not finding a shirt that I liked and fit to me talking to myself saying-
Man I look so old
I have alot of wrinkles
I am so out of shape
Why did I wear this scarf today?
My body hurts
I am so forgetful
I am so tired of feeling tired
My teenagers are driving me crazy

I then got in my car to drive home and started talking to myself again. Saying- Shaquel why don't you appreciate everything you have now?Why complain? When I found out I had cancer and was going through chemo my perspective changed. I looked at things differently and didn't stress about many of the little things.Now that I am feeling better, how easily I forget to appreciate and not be so negative. I really don't like to feel that way so I told myself to snap out of it before I get home. I started thinking about the good in my life.
So here are my 5 things that brought me out of my slump and smiling-
1.Driving through the gorge and seeing the beautiful mountains
2.The Temple-Saturday I am going and its much needed
3.Thinking of Asia, yesterday she gave me a hug and said you are the best mom in the whole world.
4.Listening to upbeat music on the the way home
5.Telling myself that although I may not like how I look or feel right now. It will change and I am alive to prove it.

I hope you all found the good in your day!

No Regrets,

1 comment:

  1. Your so awesome! I miss you! I need to come in and fill you in on all the wedding stuff:)
