Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! How has the first week gone for everyone's New Years Resolutions? Did you even make any or think about it? How has your success been so far?

For me, I did ok, but by Friday I realized I need to change a few of them. I don't want to change the goals I have chosen, but just how I thought I would acheive them. I posted the New Years video because I really liked the message. This past year has been very hard, it has been very spiritually uplifting, life changing and something I don't want to forget (at least the lessons I have learned). There have been moments when I am so happy it is over, and then the anxiety creeps in about what may happen. Will I ever have cancer again? What trouble may beset me in the coming years? I have come to the conclusion that: 1). I am going to learn from the past. Try hard to put into practice those things that have anchored me. 2). Pray I will be prepared for the future. Stay close to the Spirit and let it guide me. 3). Just live life to the fullest right now. Enjoy what I can accomplish, and relish the time I have with my sweet children in a much more healthy body.

So with that said I am excited in what lies ahead for the future. I am ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh I sound so excited and brave, but none of us really know what lies ahead? So let's just know whatever it brings, we will be able to do it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shaquel! Love the blog! I have been blogging through my whole experience, too. Its really helped. Darling family! You should come to "breast friends" there are a few of us going and we are going to go do lunch afterwards, it would be fun to see you! Hope you are doing well!
