Saturday, September 26, 2009

In the beginning... there was PAIN!

It began 3 weeks ago with an annoying pain at top of her chest. A couple of days went by and the pain never subsided. After a day of debating whether this was something serious or just GAS (lol) she found herself scheduling a Mammogram. While taking Rudy in for a check up, she asked the Doctor if she really needed to have a Mammogram. They determined that without a Mammogram the answer would not be clear. The following week Shaquel went in and had a Mammogram. While she patiently waited as the patient she saw several women come and go with happy faces. An hour and a half went by, several tests were conducted and Shaquel still did not have answers just a nurse that kept smiling as she passed by. Finally the nurse came in said the Doctor would like another Ultra Sound done. By this time she began to assume that something was not right. The Doctor found two suspicious spots that were not at the location of her pain. It didn't take long after that to schedule the next series of events. Biopsy, surgery and what her options were. Still there was no definite conclusion of what it was. They told Shaquel it could be two things, calcium deposits or cancer. It took two weeks to get the results from her biopsy and it confirmed that Shaquel does in fact have cancer. It is stage two breast cancer.
The type of Cancer that Shaquel has is called or referred to as Invasive or Infiltrating cancer. This type of cancer breaks through normal breast tissue barriers and invades surrounding areas such as nearby lymph nodes first. During her Surgery on Thursday of last week, the Doctor believes they were able to remove the cancer from the breast tissue and explored Lymph nodes and found that there was in fact cancer. They removed twenty or so Lymph nodes and have sent them off for further testing. We should have results by this Wednesday. :)
We do have reason to find peace and comfort in the many miracles that have taken place. If Shaquel never experienced the uncomfortable "pain" she was in, the doctors say that she could have gone another year without noticing any sign of cancer. She also was able to have the Best of the Best Cancer Doctors in all of Utah, Dr. Weintch is his name. Normally he has a five week waiting list just to get in to see him. In Shaquel's case, she has not only seen him but has had surgery within one weeks time.
Shaquel has kept her spirits high and hasn't lost her sense of humor. "Cancer Schmancer" is now her slogan.
Please keep her in your prayers.

We will post further updates as they come about.


  1. We're praying for you and cheering you on! You're one of the most amazing people I know! Get feeling good, because I have an "In the Pink" Cancer Fighting Fundraiser ticket with your name on it..front and center!
    Love you girl!
    ~Christi :)

  2. Well, officially now have a blog! I remember you saying you never knew what you would put on a blog...I'm sorry it has to be this. I'm glad to hear you're in good spirits though! You are such trooper and I'm proud of you! Let us know if there is anything we can do!

  3. We love you and we are praying for you!

  4. We want you and your family to know we are thinking of you and you will be in our prayers. You are an amazing women and we hope the best as test results come back.
    Love, Casey & Paige Anderson

  5. Hi Shaquel!
    I am Jen's friend,I dont know if you remember me. I am sorry to hear about your new diagnosis. I just wanted to let you know I will pray for you, and that if you need any information, books, videos, you can just call me. I am still at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in SLC and our Learning Center will send you any information you need or are interested in. Their number is (888)424-2100. Keep up the good spirits, that is the best treatment! Love Keri Carter
