Thursday, October 22, 2009

I Got A Wig!

Well yesterday I went back to a different wig store and it was much better. I was a little shaken when the lady put the bald cap on me before trying on the wigs. It definitely wasn't pretty. Once I started trying all the different kinds on, it was kind of fun. I bought one. I then went over to the cancer society, and they had a few, so I got one there. along with some cute hats and scarfs. So everyone, if you run into me you may not recognize me. I may have really short hair and the next day long and blond, red or pink.
I then went to meet with the plastic surgeon. It was a very surreal experience looking at real pictures of people after surgery knowing that will be me too. The more I think about it the more I realize I will be just fine and dandy!


  1. I admire you Shaquel:) You are awesome and have such an awesome attitude!! Keep it up!!

  2. Aww..I'm so glad you found some that you liked! That's something you can check off your list! : )
    I love you, Shaquel! The road ahead will be like a washboard..kind of like the road to Scenic, yet people travel it everyday and love it out there. Just know that there are so many of us who are here to help you anyway we can..I've got some great 4-wheel drive..and not just in my car! Hugs!

  3. shaquel, i love you and admire you and wish that we would have stayed closer after high school. if you need anything please let me know even if it just to keep kolina and jimmy in line in school :) i am proud of you and your strength. thanks for writing about learning to like yourself the way you are. something i need to work on. you are beautiful. always have been and always will be.

  4. woot good for you!
    stay happy, lilee

  5. So excited to see the fun new do's! :) good talking to you the last two days too! Have a GREAT Halloween with those beautiful kids, how lucky are they to have such a rockin' momma!
