Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dr's Dr's Dr's and more Dr's

Well, well, well where do I begin. It has been a busy two days spending all my time with doctors. I have been trying to decide what to write or how detailed I should be. I have decided I won't go into too much detail on whats going on. Its all confusing and for many of you probably boring. I am still having surgery next Tuesday but I am now having a MRI done to see if I have any precancerous cells and that will determine exactly what the surgery will entail. My choices have been difficult, its choosing between the two lesser evils. My MRI is on Thursday then I go back up Friday to meet with the Dr's. to decide. So I will update exactly whats going on then.

Today I had physical therapy and then I went to a group that was called "Look good and feel better". It is for women with cancer that will be going through chemo and losing their hair and have other side effects. They have make-up artists come in and you get a free bag of make-up from different companies. There make-up is the good stuff that won't irritate your skin and actually help it. They teach you how to put make-up on your eyebrows and eyelashes to look like you have some. When I first walked in and saw all the ladies in the class it was another reality check for me, to see some of the ladies with no hair and others with scarfs or hats and then watching them take them off. To be honest I was saying to myself I can't believe I am going through this and this is my life for the next year. As the evening wore on, visiting with this ladies and getting to know them and just basically talking about what they are going through, or how they deal with things. I was humbled and felt very blessed to be associated with them. I have met so many wonderful people that otherwise I would have never known. I feel very grateful.

Yesterday I told my doctors that since we have been spending so much time together and knowing that I will be seeing them for the next 2 years ALOT they have become friends and I expect a good Christmas present from them. You should have seen their faces, I just gave them the look like I wasn't kidding . They probably think I am nuts. As I am writing this it still brings a smile to my face, I can still picture the look on their faces. You know your spending alot of time in the hospital when you recognize the cleaning people and they know you. I said to one of the men today while he was cleaning the windows I might as well get your name and introduce myself since I will probably see you again. He was cool with it and we both laughed. But I have to admit I hate running into the same people and you don't know their names. I actually want to know more like so how long have been at this job? Do you like it?How long have you lived here etc. etc.
Enough babbling, have a great day!

No Regrets,


  1. I can totally see you telling your doctors you expect a Christmas present from them. :) I'm sure the looks on their face was priceless.

    Personally for me, I like lots of details, but then again, I am nosey. :) You should share as much as you feel is needed.

    You are amazing, Shaquel! Keep up that great attitude you have! :)

  2. It's so good to hear from you. Thanks again for keeping us posted. You're a wonderful example to us all! Love ya!
