Saturday, April 10, 2010

A new puppy

It's been an exciting day in the Cannon household. I finally let my kids get a puppy. It's a very cute yellow lab. I had a collie when I was little but she was hit by a car. That was the only dog I really loved. My other siblings had dogs growing up but I never really got into the whole love of animals again. When I got married I found out that my husband and his family were big animal lovers. We started with a puppy and that dog was the best dog ever. Her name was Daley. She now has passed on but my kids were close to her and have wanted another one ever since. At Christmas we were close to getting a puppy but I just couldn't think about a dog when I was just starting chemo. I told the kids when all my treatments were over we would get one. This past week we had the opportunity to get a papered dog that seems to be great. I do have to say although I am not a big animal lover I do think it is good for kids to have pets.
Who knows maybe I will have to walk the dog and that's how I will get back into shape. I can't seem to get myself up and walking on my own.


  1. Aw, nothing like a puppy, how fun!

  2. are such a good mom! They are in love with him. My kids would love one, but that creates a problem with traveling 1# Do we take it when we travel or #2 find someone who is kind enough to deal with it. I just need to find a nice job for Alan down there and a nice home on chapel way so they can live by their cousins and play with their puppy.

  3. They'll love it! I have a feeling we'll end up with another pet or two (besides the chicks). Lydia has definitely inherited the Cannon love for animals. I hope you're doing well!
