Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day to you all! Even if you don't have children you perform mothering duties to so many children. You deserve to have a nice day.

I had a wonderful weekend. On Saturday I went with my mom and sister-in-laws to feel, oh so very pampered and got massages. Afterwards we went to lunch and then did some shopping. It felt good being out and feeling somewhat normal.

On Sunday Kylie surprised me by speaking in church on Mothers. She did such a good job. She is so shy and I am so proud of her for doing it.

I received wonderful gifts from my children and husband. They really went all out this year. I love seeing the excitement my children have when giving gifts.

I met with my radiologist on Friday. He set the coordinates for my radiation. He gave me tattoos to make sure I will always receive the radiation in the right places. It was different experience. I didn't realize that along with my Dr. there is a physicist involved in the radiation process. I am learning so many new things. How lucky I am! (Kind of).

No Regrets,

1 comment:

  1. It was so good to talk to you the other day! I'm glad to hear you ahd a good Mother's Day! How nice! It will be great to see you if you can make it, don't worry if not. We COMPLETELY understand! Either way, we'll see you in a few weeks for Kolina's graduation.
