Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day! Enjoy!

Whew! This week is over. It started out great on Monday. Tuesday I went for my infusion. The morning I was leaving to go Kylie was all upset, she kept saying "I thought you didn't have to go back for medicine that makes you sick?" I reassured her it was not the same and I was not coming home sick. Wednesday morning I woke up soooooooo sick, my bones hurt. Boy I felt like the biggest liar,but of course Kylie didn't say anything. I couldn't believe that this medicine would make me feel so crappy. As the day went on I felt worse, I couldn't keep anything down. Maybe the flu? I'm still not sure because all symptoms are gone except my BONES HURT and its been 3 days. Ok I'm finally getting to the reason why I am telling you all this. The first night I was so sick I was laying in my bed and I heard Kylie say her prayers. She was asking Heavenly Father to bless her mom and help her so she won't die. Hearing her say those words with such a sweet and tender voice shot right to my heart. A few minutes later I hear Savannah say her prayers and she says"Heavenly father will you please help my moms hair, its not growing back the right color. Will you help her hair grow back red and not any red it needs to be like my red hair".
I spoke to my girls in the morning about there worries. Kylie just said that seeing me so sick that day reminded her of watching me through chemo and I was so sick that she thought I might die. She also reminded me of kids telling her of people that they new that died from cancer. Savannah said that she wanted my hair back the same color because it was something that we shared and if my hair wasn't red she would now be the only one.
This has been a good reminder that this year has truly effected my family. They are doing well but like me and everyone else they too have their own worries and fears. I am grateful to hear my children pray with such faith to their Heavenly Father and realize that they are never alone.

Today was the day I thought I would start radiation but it was a dry-run as my Dr called it. Everything looked good and I will start on Tuesday. I am so excited! Really I want it to ALL be over.

I hope you all enjoy your Memorial Day! I am grateful for all the Men and Women that made this Country a place I can live with the freedoms I have and feel safe at the same time. I am grateful for my ancestor's who have passed on and endured hardships and made sacrifices for me along with my family and enjoy the legacy that they passed down.
As I was sitting in the hospital today I couldn't help but think how lucky I am. I am able to go to a hospital that is clean, has the best equipment that can help me live a longer life and has been created by someone who must be a genius. Dr's that are skilled in their profession and that I get to choose what Dr's I get to go too. Then as I was driving home from the Dr. I was thinking about how excited my children were today. They were marching down the street to go to field day with their teachers(who they love). I appreciate their teachers who also love my kids and want the very best for them.
And for the last thing I am grateful that this Memorial Day I can go to the cemetery's and see other family and friends from the community that feel the same way as I do.

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