Friday, December 25, 2009

Bald is Beautiful?

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have enjoyed your day. I certainly have. All my children were excited about their gifts and everyone got along. It was nice to relax, enjoy the day and just watch my children play with one another.
Have you heard of the saying "Bald is Beautiful" Where did that saying come from? Tonight my husband shaved my head. No more hair! "Bald is not Beautiful" on me, but I have to say it feels alot better. I have been losing chunks of my hair this last week. I was not prepared to have it all gone so I would just watch it get thinner each day. My scalp has hurt,I don't even know how to explain how it feels. My scalp has been very tender if anyone would touch my hair it would hurt. If the wind blew just a little my head hurt. Even with the pain I was not ready to have it gone. The clincher for me was this morning when putting gel in my hair I looked at my hands and all I saw was hair stuck to my hands and I am talking alot of hair. Then I proceeded to get ready and it was falling in my eyes and mouth, I know gross but true. My the evening I was so tired of seeing my hair everywhere I knew it was time. I had and still have mixed emotions while my husband shaved my head. I had my 9yr old daughter taking pictures telling me it didn't look to bad(she is always kind). I then had my 6yr old daughter look at me with a look of pure horror and saying" I can't look at you mom you do not look good" then she would leave for a minute and come back with the same look and say "you need to always wear a hat or wig mom". Now if you know my daughter she tells you how it is so while she was talking we were all laughing but then I couldn't help but shed a few tears just because I thought the same thing and I could see through their faces that this is difficult for them to watch also and as much as I try to explain things to them they just don't understand. I am now wearing a pink beanie and my head no longer hurts. It is amazing to me that my head could hurt for the last week or two and in minutes of shaving my head there is no more pain?
So LOOK OUT the next time you see me I may be wearing a wig, scarf, hat or I just may be bald. j/k I wouldn't do that to you or me.
Anyway All is Well and I will have another update for you after my next treatment.
Thanks for your support.

No Regrets,


  1. At least you'll save a fortune on shampoo, conditioner, gel, hairspray, mousse, etc. :)
    Merry Christmas! We love you!
    You're always in our prayers!
    *The Shanan Kellys*

  2. Shaquel you are a beautiful person and I am sure you are just as beautiful even with no hair:)

  3. Bald is beautiful, Shaquel! Embrace the baldness. :)
    You're in our thoughts and prayers.
