Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy 4TH Of July !

I just have a few thoughts I would like to share.
I just got back from walking. While walking two women passed me. I thought to myself "boy they are walking fast, am I that slow and out of shape?'. I kept walking, we met again and they were still cruising, self defeating thoughts came to my mind about how out of shape I am. I then l looked at myself and I wondered if they noticed how I was walking? On my right side, my foot to my knee was completely numb and I was concentrating on walking right so I wouldn't trip. On my left side I had my elbow bent and stuck out so my arm couldn't touch my side. I am so burned from radiation that from collar bone to the middle of my chest and under my arm pit is a deep red and purplish color. So uncomfortable. Anyway as they passed me and said they just completed their last lap, I said to myself oh my heck they lapped me, BUT as I felt the pains in my body and looked at myself walking funny, I started walking my last lap with a smile on my face and thinking I am at least walking it beats laying on my bed or bathroom floor.
Don't compare yourself!
This past weekend was the 4Th. I hope you all had a good time celebrating. I love the 4th. I was looking up information on our founding fathers for my family home evening lesson. As I was reading different articles I found info. on how Columbus believed in God and how he prayed to him, I then went on to find stories about George Washington and his belief in pray and how he received answers from God. Then Abe Lincoln relying on guidance through pray from God and so forth.
I then looked at are government and thought if only they would all PRAY to God and ASK for guidance and then LISTEN to his answers and then FOLLOW them, I think I would feel much safer in whats going on in the world. I then thought of us "We the People". How important it is to us that we study and find info. about the people running and then........... get down on are knees and ask for direction and guidance regarding them.
I know my thoughts aren't to deep and insightful but I guess it made me sad after studying and thinking about how the early Presidents truely believed and relied on God to now, if they do believe in God they don't dare say it.
President Monson said "A man stands tallest when upon his knees".
Love this quote!
I just have a few more days left for radiation. I am so excited I may be shouting from the rooftops that I am done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well said! You have done tons more exercising than me lately. Just like those presidents who prayed to know God's thoughts of how they should act, I'm sure we would benefit greatly if we only tried to please our Father in Heaven. This in turn would bless the relationships we have with our families and friends around us.

    It seems that when we compare ourselves to those around us and/or try to impress them we end up getting discouraged.

    But when we seek to please/impress our Heavenly Father we become up very happy.
